Monday, July 7, 2008

Kid sez 'yuck' to food? He's racist

(image credit:

Via A Missourian at An Advocate of the Republic (yet another stellar blogger on BCF's great list), we learn that British children who turn their noses up at unfamiliar foreign food may be little racists in training.


Mmmf. Snerk. Koff. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!

*wiping away tears of laughter* *getting self back under control*

A Missourian says, "I don't understand how the entire population isn't up in arms at the daily outrages that come out of those islands." Indeed. There doesn't seem to be any aspect of behavior immune to it anymore.

You have to wonder -- at what level of silliness will it finally reach a turning point?



The text of my letter to NCB Publications, which idiot "researcher" Janet Lane is published through:

"You people should take a look at this --

"Your Jane Lane is a laughingstock. And a menace.

"Be sure to read the comments to the article to get an idea of where common sense begins and your author ends."


truepeers said...

Hard to believe it's gotten so bad...

But heh, that just means the law of diminishing returns is about to bite the "anti-racists" hard.

Yuck, they taste positively revolting...

Eowyn said...

Honestly, truepeers, I found myself laughing so hard I couldn't stop.

Remember the coverage of the Hindenburg zeppelin explosion? "Oh, the humanity!"

I find myself saying, "Oh, the absurdity!"

Anonymous said...

It is remarkable, this very valuable message