Aarrgh ... I'm trying to add Chris Muir's Day By Day cartoon to the blog as a regular feature. It's horizontal, so I want it to appear right under the Shooting Star header and on top of both the blog posts and my photo. But when I try and drag the "Add Page Element" box up and place it, it will only let me place it over the blog posts, and NOT my photo.
Can anyone who knows about these things suggest anything?
Can I have some peace and quiet?
I am so tired of hearing politics, just let me sit here alone for a
few minutes;
No bashing or criticizing.
Just let me sit here and hear nothing.
6 years ago
Well, I experimented a little bit, but unfortunately all that I was able to do was drag the picture over either the blog posts, or over the "side column" on the right.
I found that I preferred the picture over-top of the "side column", but I know that that isn't what you had wanted.
Alas, my knowledge of such things is mainly through trial and error, and that knowledge would probably comprise a fairly thin and watermarked book.
I know that I saw an option, when choosing the layout for my blog, of 'customizing'. Maybe fiddling about with that could alter the layout enough for you to be able to accomplish your goal?
Sorry, I'm not being very helpful
Good luck though, and let me know if you figure anything out?
Thanks anyways, Walker --
I can't help but think there's some way of tweaking the html to move things around. I actually e-mailed the designer of the template, so hopefully he can clear it up. I'll keep you posted!
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