Saturday, July 26, 2008

Where is the faith?

A discussion today at Covenant Zone centers around the decay of Britain.

Charles Henry says:

"Reading the news in the European press reminds me ever so much of being visited by the Ghost of Christmas Yet To Come, and being offered a glimpse into my, our, potential future... a world empty of hope, compassion and reason.

"The stories out of the UK speak of a decaying nation, and it's increasingly challenging to believe that the institutions designed to serve as a candle's light in the darkness will remain untouched by the fog of despair blanketing today's not-so-Great Britain, like a shroud."


Yes. It's all too easy to despair, given PC gone wild. Morals, such as they are, don't seem to exist, in the climate of free passes given to criminals, while law-abiding citizens are made to adhere to ever-increasingly bizarre standards of conduct, along with spy cameras every 3 feet, increased taxation for an increasingly puerile bureaucracy, etc.

What keeps faith alive, in times like these?

Small gestures.

Like this one. A Welshman, following a dream.

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