Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Irish to Sarkozy: '@#$% off'

"Irish politicians reacted angrily Wednesday after French President Nicolas Sarkozy suggested Ireland should hold a second referendum on the EU's new treaty, after rejecting it last month.

"Irish voters dealt a blow to the European Union last month by rejecting the Lisbon Treaty in the only popular vote on the text anywhere in the 27-nation bloc.

"According to deputies who attended a meeting with Sarkozy Tuesday, he said that the Irish would 'have to re-vote', despite 53 percent opposition."


Nick. DUDE. What part of "no" don't you understand?

(via The Drudge Report)


A Missourian said...

I like Sakozy, but screw him. Its disgusting how they're trying to impose this socialist mega state on the people of Europe without direct votes. I wonder if Sarko understands how totalitarian he sounds? "you vill keep voting until you get it right!"

Eowyn said...

Only in France can a right-wing president favor something like the EU.

*shaking head*