Neoconstant updates the Harry's Place blogburst:
"Harry’s Place has given a somewhat tepid “thank you” to my efforts at rallying the blogs around him. Admittedly, I’m not a fan of the really, really hateful anti-Islamic sites either, but I think Harry could have been just a bit more gracious.
'Much of the backing comes as a result of an item posted by Glenn Reynolds at the very popular right-of-center blog Instapundit, who linked to a “Support Harry’s Place Blogburst” set up by the conservative blog NeoConstant. Although I haven’t done a thorough review of all the blogs that have signed up, at a glance they appear to be overwhelmingly on the political right. In most cases, I have no problem with this– for the most part I welcome the support of anyone who opposes the BMI’s dishonest efforts to suggest that we deliberately misconstrued the meaning of what Al-Jazeera originally reported Sawalha as saying about the Jews in London celebrating Israel’s 60th anniversary. (I hope they would all be equally supportive if, for some reason, we were being unfairly sued by Mark Steyn or Rush Limbaugh, but I live in the real world.)'
'Much of the backing comes as a result of an item posted by Glenn Reynolds at the very popular right-of-center blog Instapundit(.)
And WHO alerted Instapundit? That's right, yours truly. E.D. Kain gave me full credit and thanks, and I guess it's unfair to expect Harry's Place to know that. But still. Had to carp about it anyway.
Although I haven’t done a thorough review of all the blogs that have signed up, at a glance they appear to be overwhelmingly on the political right.
There's something wrong with that? I think it's pretty telling, actually, that so many conservatives would jump in to help someone on the other side of the political fence. How often does that happen the other way around?
Okay, //rant off. I just think E.D. Kain deserved more generous and heartfelt thanks.
Can I have some peace and quiet?
I am so tired of hearing politics, just let me sit here alone for a
few minutes;
No bashing or criticizing.
Just let me sit here and hear nothing.
6 years ago
I guess it just goes to show. Beggars CAN be choosers.
But it makes them damned annoying in the process.
Agreed, Walker.
More and more, I'm struck by the fact that here's a liberal blogger, and the vast majority of fellow bloggers who stand up for him are conservative. How many lefties would do the same for conservatives?
Indeed -- how many DID?
It was a helluva think E.D. Kain did, getting that thing together. He really deserves more than a backhanded, limp-wristed thanks in quotes.
ugh, think = thing
Come to think of it, it WAS a helluva "think" :)
Dear Eowyn:
On the contrary old sport, expect absolutely no "pillory!" and thanks for the terrific comment. It was a real highlight.
Yes, I was kinda meagre and unfair on Neoconstant and felt a little ashamed, especially after his neato response. [I have modified it as one can!]
And the wetback thang. Oddly, some of my family went from England to Canada and then to the US, as the old proverbial goes. Now they live in New Jersey, gateway to Asbury Park!
So thanks for the kind and hip comments. And yes the miracle that is Instalanche.
I got one once for the following bit, and a referral from the wonderful Mark Steyn.
All the best kid and thanks. Colonel Neville.
I think Harry needs to step back and consider that his Rush/Steyn example is beside the point because CONSERVATIVES DON'T SUE PEOPLE THEY DISAGREE WITH, they just discredit their arguments with counter arguments and call it a day. That's why your support is overwhelmingly from the right.
Colonel, thank you, sir :)
AM, just so. I wish liberals would ponder that once in a while.
thanks again, have been a good and true friend, albeit a very new one!
Colonel, also, no hard feelings as discussed elsewhere.
I wish liberals would ponder that once in a while
That is indeed wishful thinking!
What you should be aware of is that generally Harry's Place is considered persona no-grata by many on the hard-left, in other words the majority of leftists who openly side with the Islamists. That is why we have seen so little support from the left itself for Harry's plight.
BCF, that makes sense. More and more, it seems to me, the left judges their numbers by how "left" they are. Moderates need not apply!
E.D., you're more than welcome, and I'm glad to have you as a new friend as well :o)
Good point, BCF. I know it's hard for many on the Left who are anti-Islamist, and they end up turning into neocons or neo-libertarians or who knows what else.
And we on the right gladly stand up for them, because freedom of speech is far more precious than political ideologies, which come and go. Freedom of speech is sacrosanct.
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