Going in the mail tomorrow:
Canadian Human Rights Commission
344 Slater Street, 8th Floor
Ottawa, Ontario K1A 1E1
To Whom It May Concern:
I am an American blogger who takes great issue with your organization and the way you run roughshod over freedom of speech – and I’m not alone, on both sides of the border. (Believe me.)
I’m actually sorry you dismissed the Maclean’s/Mark Steyn case, as it most assuredly would have gone to a REAL court had they been “convicted” in your kangaroo court, where laws of evidence don’t exist; and, not only would the case have been shot down in flames, your organization would be even further in the crosshairs than you are now. I notice you haven’t posted anything about the case on your news page, hoping, no doubt, the fuss will die down quickly. Well, it won’t. In fact, it’s only going to get worse.
The way you’ve treated Maclean’s, Ezra Levant, the Rev. Stephen Boissoin, Catholic Insight Magazine and Marc Lemire, among many others, is downright Stalinist. In Lemire’s case, you’ve even stooped to online subterfuge. No wonder there’s a groundswell building against you. You brought it on yourselves. I only wish Maclean’s could have been one of the earliest cases, so a lot of innocent ordinary people wouldn’t have had to suffer so much at your hands.
You have no right to dictate to anyone what to say or not to say, unless you can prove (with REAL evidence) someone is directly inciting hatred – i.e., calling for people to go out and cause actual harm. And that is something a court of law should decide. In fact, you have no right to exist at all.
Bloggers are NOT going to let this issue fade away. We are, perhaps, the single most influential voice in the public arena today. Sooner or later, mainstream media publishes what we’re talking about. Indeed, it relies on us nowadays for its talking points. And this one is huge, trust me.
Your own Dean Stacey thinks freedom of speech is “an American concept?” Guess what. It’s in your own Canadian Charter.
I don’t expect to see the day you’re disbanded (though you should be), but I, and MANY others, do look for, and work toward, the day you’re out of the “hate speech” business.
P.S. My mom is from Nova Scotia, and she’s sickened by what’s happened to her country at the hands of nanny-staters like you. Gather up what’s left of your shreds of dignity and go away.
Trust me, the first draft wasn't NEAR this "nice" to these clowns.
Next up -- letters to MPs throughout Canada. I'll be nicer to them (less aggressive), but I'll still make the point.
Can I have some peace and quiet?
I am so tired of hearing politics, just let me sit here alone for a
few minutes;
No bashing or criticizing.
Just let me sit here and hear nothing.
6 years ago
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