I just dashed off this screed to the British Columbia Human Rights Tribunal:
You people are an outrage.
Thank God I can still say that! Because if you Stalinists had your way, I couldn't. I might be American -- where we solve these things in REAL COURTS OF LAW -- but I happen to know the Canadian Charter also protects freedom of expression.
I've been studying Canadian opinion extremely closely over this past week, and I've learned something you may not be comfortable with. Guess what: The tide is turning against you. Canadians are waking up to find they've outgrown nanny, and don't like her. And I say, it's about time. We down here in the States don't much like her, either, and don't want her moving in here.
Whether you dismiss the Maclean's/Steyn case or not, you are seen around the world in a very bad light. I hope you don't dismiss it. Maclean's/Steyn will figuratively slice you to ribbons in a REAL court. And if you do dismiss it, you've left a bad taste in too many mouths that will never go away. (Trust me. You folks are NOT popular.) Rock, meet hard place.
Go munch some grass with the other marsupials and stop trying to put a muzzle on people.
If I'm lucky, maybe they'll send some goons after me.
Can I have some peace and quiet?
I am so tired of hearing politics, just let me sit here alone for a
few minutes;
No bashing or criticizing.
Just let me sit here and hear nothing.
6 years ago
Thanks for adding your voice to our growing chorus in Canada, Eowyn, it's appreciated.
Even if they don't read them, I can imagine that if the judges see they have received 10,000 emails instead of the usual three, they might still be getting the message.
Charles Henry, it's a pleasure to do all I can in my small way.
Somehow, I think the whole debacle is perhaps a good thing. If nothing else, it puts a spotlight on the dangers too bright to ignore.
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