Thursday, June 12, 2008

Lonely voice crying in the wilderness

The great folks over at Covenant Zone are putting words into action on the recent assaults on free speech Canada has undergone. They're talking civil disobedience, and I support them all the way.

One case that has flown under the radar during the high-profile Maclean's case is an earlier one involving the Rev. Stephen Boissoin, who is passionately opposed to homosexuality on religious grounds. He wrote a letter to the Red Deer Advocate stating why homosexuality is wrong and what can be done to eradicate it. (text of letter here -- via Covenant Zone).

Well, here's what the Alberta Human Rights Tribunal slapped on him. (thanks again to Covenant Zone for link)

I especially love point 7 -- They're basically saying,our intent is not to punish, but to ameliorate the effects of discrimination. Socking Rev. Boissoin with more than $12,000 in fines -- forcing him to wear a scarlet letter, i.e. publish a repudiation of his letter -- and forcing him to go against his own core beliefs isn't punishment?!

I've already written a nastygram to the British Columbia Human Rights Tribunal. It's Alberta's turn, next. I might be an American, but I stand united with anyone victimized by this stuff, anywhere.

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