Dear Eowyn: Hell yeah. It's getting just like this in my neck of the woods. From smiley faced fascism a la Marx to the er, less smiley.
Here's two other glimpses into the abyss on the same subject that you'll dig. Without organised opposition and power, they WILL WIN. All the best kid.
PS. Read Obamaland, Green Hell, Liberty and Tyranny or Dead Aid yet? Colonel Neville. Indoctrinate Pt 1 of 10. Left lonny's in the UK.
A fairly old? vid but a classic. Things are merely much, much worse now. The Marxist psychopaths of the left want total control of your children...and why not? Via 60 Minutes! in Britain.
Dig the “non-racist mathematics.” No really.
Non-PC drone Principal Brian Doughan is now in Australia for the thought crime of awarding scholarships for excellence, and thus was charged with “elitism.”
The ex-Labour Helen Cox is on the vid too. Dig the black principal who says the US has a bomb to kill only black people. Riiight.
He also doesn’t allow Police into the school. Later he says to Police he has to “kill” to get justice.
A black woman demands yams at school for her “African son” so he doesn’t have to eat “so called” British food. A PC nightmare, mate.
This is known as the multicultural endgame of cultural, social and security suicide. Mark Steyn on girlontheright. The new anti-Semitism. BBC booktalk.
Sitting here listening to my favorite music. Pink Floyd. Now as the band
could really not exist other than Waters, Glimour, Mason and Wright, I do
like th...
Don’t panic! This blog has changed
My heart sinks. I have to master a new blogging system, and hope that it
works. You see, the new blog will show only one…
Colonel Neville Dead At Age Seven.
UPDATE: Neville [no relation] is now on YouTube and here's the link to his
channel. As Pete and Dud and Derek and Clive once said, now it's time to
say goo...
On hiatus
I've run this blog for a long time. Especially by Internet standards. But,
as you may have noticed lately, I'm just not updating the site on a regular
The Lynch List, 09-Jul-2012
First: Equality of Opportunity is a much-abused buzz-statement. I have
argued in the past that this is a codeword for Equality of Outcome, and
been critici...
The WSJ’s Peggy Noonan checks US election numbers: The polls are tightening
and no one is sure why. A Reuters/Ipsos poll through…
Dear Eowyn: Hell yeah. It's getting just like this in my neck of the woods. From smiley faced fascism a la Marx to the er, less smiley.
Here's two other glimpses into the abyss on the same subject that you'll dig. Without organised opposition and power, they WILL WIN. All the best kid.
PS. Read Obamaland, Green Hell, Liberty and Tyranny or Dead Aid yet? Colonel Neville.
Indoctrinate Pt 1 of 10.
Left lonny's in the UK.
A fairly old? vid but a classic. Things are merely much, much worse now. The Marxist psychopaths of the left want total control of your children...and why not? Via 60 Minutes! in Britain.
Dig the “non-racist mathematics.” No really.
Non-PC drone Principal Brian Doughan is now in Australia for the thought crime of awarding scholarships for excellence, and thus was charged with “elitism.”
The ex-Labour Helen Cox is on the vid too. Dig the black principal who says the US has a bomb to kill only black people. Riiight.
He also doesn’t allow Police into the school. Later he says to Police he has to “kill” to get justice.
A black woman demands yams at school for her “African son” so he doesn’t have to eat “so called” British food. A PC nightmare, mate.
This is known as the multicultural endgame of cultural, social and security suicide. Mark Steyn on girlontheright. The new anti-Semitism. BBC booktalk.
Dear Eowyn: Wait! There's more! Have a few beers and then watch this laughable low fi agitprop insanity for kids... It is to laugh.
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