... a band borne out of session musicians who love music.
And dig THIS!
WALK-MAN -- can I get a witness ...
Can I have some peace and quiet?
I am so tired of hearing politics, just let me sit here alone for a
few minutes;
No bashing or criticizing.
Just let me sit here and hear nothing.
6 years ago
Oops! Sorry! I must have missed my name, somehow, earlier on.
It's nice to hear people playing music because they honestly enjoy doing it. They don't want a major record deal, and they're happy with just playing in the local bars. I think there's something to that which kind of embodies the classical 'bard' kind of style of musician. It's kind of nice to see and hear, every so often.
I don't play any instruments myself, but I'd like to get into it at some point. My hat is off to anybody who can play, I gotta say - I have a friend who can play multiple instruments, and I'm honestly kind of jealous...
Aw, these folks are just plain cool. Here they spend their working lives subsuming their own creativity in service to the sound sought by the "star" -- but they have so much to contribute to music just in their own skills.
Thought you'd appreciate it :)
Take up that instrument, Br'er. You won't regret it. So you won't be Hendrix, or Yo-yo Ma or whomever. You'll tap into music -- and there's no better drug :)
Oh, I think I'll have to. I think you're right - it's probably like a drug of sorts, or at least the calming kind ;)
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