The Gay Patriot:
"A dear friend of mine, an outspoken and self-assured lesbian, writes (and with her permission I reprint):
... have gone from Kucinich to obama {until the beiginning of this year-what an ass and an embarrassment!} to Hillary to McCain/Palin…cannot believe that I am voting Repub for the first time in 30 yrs!!
Love that woman!!! Have brother up in Alaska….they really love her up there….
"All I can say is that I’m delighted to be on the same side as this woman as we often spar on matters political.
"She doesn’t mince her words nor hide her feelings. Despite her strong views, she’s not one of those people who judges your political views by the party to which you belong, but by the way you got there. She listens to her ideological adversaries.
"I should know. When I came out to her as a Republican, she asked me tough questions, needled me about my views, but remained my friend."
So, let's see.
Leftist Talking Point No. 1 -- "Conservatives are anti-gay."
...Mmm-hmm. Here's a gay conservative. What is he -- chopped liver?
Leftist Talking Point No. 2 -- "He's afraid of strong women."
...and Palin's a wuss? His lesbian friend likes Palin, despite a lifetime of leftism. SHE'S chopped liver?
Palin is not only an authentic woman, she's an authentic American. That doesn't sit well with the International Brotherhood of Victims.
O, Yes, Precious. You pretenders at being Spokesmen of Everyone -- looks like you left a few thinkers out of your equation.
You're going DOWN. Schadenfreude? Try "blood lust." Try "I'm going to enjoy every single minute of the carnival of self-destruction you're going to give me from now till election day."
It's kind of like the Roman emperors enjoying the bloodbath in the arena -- except this is a victory for correct thinking. Without the blood.
EVER so much more satisfying.
Can I have some peace and quiet?
I am so tired of hearing politics, just let me sit here alone for a
few minutes;
No bashing or criticizing.
Just let me sit here and hear nothing.
6 years ago
Dear Eowyn, I like that. "Judged not by the party you vote for, but how you got there". Chopped liver...I love that phrase. It makes me feel hungry. Must go to a delicatessen now...
You know the word has got about, but I'm a Conservative libertarian stretching out at a picnic to Spanish & Latin guitars kinda guy, and yet I dig Carson Kressley! He's fun, insightful and gets rid of bad curtains.
It's funny, innit? Why does the Conservative as anti-gay canard come from? We have gay children and outstanding wedding planners too. It's groovy that your friend is open to Republican! Change we can believe in. Hee, hee.
Thaks for the lovely comments, Eowyn. I have a new post on Jim Morrison and his Lizard King thang. All the best from Colonel Neville.
This article was posted at 3:03am, in this short amount of time, there are 44 comments regarding the post. Some very, very strong points being made, check it out!
My dear Colonel, you're right (as usual) :)
KT, what's the link then??? Would like to see!
Link "back" to the article, that's where the comments are.
Thanks, KT, you were right.
It looks like Blazing Cat Fur linking to me caused the spike -- wow -- I knew s/he had lots of readers, but 300-plus stopping by here ...!!!
Must go over to his/her site and give some thanks :)
Glad to be of service, keep up the good work;)
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