From The Macho Response:
"'Yes, the rumors are true. The cosmic votes have all been tallied, and I do believe we can now say, with some measure of happy certainty, that God appears to be just as sick-to-death of the Republican Party as the rest of us.'"
Mark Morford, just reading God's mind and spotting rising lightworkers, for the excellence in journalism known as the SFGate."
Well, I'M relieved. Mr. Morford has a direct line to the Almighty! Now, all we conseratives have to do is eat crow, or ****, or whatever it is to properly inhabit our station as God's Untouchables.
As usual, TMR nails the Unbearable Absurdity of Being. :)
By the bye -- he's a musician, and a righteous excellent one. (At least I think so -- see what you think here. He makes his living as an artist, and would appreciate any and all donations. So if you like what he has to say, and you like his music -- or even if you don't -- please consider hitting the tip jar.
Can I have some peace and quiet?
I am so tired of hearing politics, just let me sit here alone for a
few minutes;
No bashing or criticizing.
Just let me sit here and hear nothing.
6 years ago
I enjoyed and agreed with the article. This part sums it up, in my opinion:
Bush gave the world hives. McCain gives the world the creeps. Obama gives the world goosebumps. Simple as that.
I can't go Republican. And I can argue every reason why. I've been following the election, liking every thing and every way that OB has presented things. The last choice of a female VP doesn't change the Republican's values, vote for McSame and the chick and you'll have Bush again, only with Gore's aircraft grounded.
Since I'm basically conservative (libertarian, actually), I COULD vote for the right Republican -- but since she's only in the VP slot, no can do, so I'm voting for Ron Paul (T also). I know it's only symbolic, and might take a vote away from one of the "legitimate" candidates -- but I have to vote my conscience, and I've been a libertarian (small l, as opposed to the Libertarian Party) since I first formed political opinions. LESS government (as little as possible), LESS taxes, etc.
For state and congressional races, I usually vote for whoever is closest to my point of view, and I've voted in people from both 'Pub and Dem. (Almost always no libertarians to choose from, *sigh*) There's a new one, U.S. Rep. Chris Carney, a Democrat, who I really, really like, but I can't vote for him as I don't live in his district. He just finished serving a tour in the Middle East, so he's pro-gun (check); he's fiscally conservative (double-check); and he's pro-small business (as opposed to pro-corporate). Why can't I have someone like him to vote for here! Oh, well -- lemons and lemonade, I guess.
Until libertarians get their act together, that is -- but, being very independent people, that's unlikely. But one can still hope!
Idependent or Liberal? Sometimes I feel that the issues are the same for both.
The issue on taxes, Mary, you would have to read Bush's plan on reducing taxes, it sounded great in the beginning but as the years progressed, the rich had less taxes to pay and lower class Americans had more to pay, thus excluding the middle class Americans and he's succeeded.
McSame will do nothing different.
But in all honesty, is voting for
Ron Paul any different than not voting at all? That is the question I have.
Just my thoughts at this moment.
Oops! I think I answered this one in a previous post?? Sorry!
... could be Blogger glitching (again! seems to be having issues lately -- they're probably updating the platform somehow)
Dear Eowyn, I like Allen West from Florida. He's a smart, long term military man, retired, with a lovely family, and writes and speaks in plain English.
I don't know how libertarian he may be, if at all, but definitely a worldly down to earth and genuine man of some strength. Hell, I like him. Sadly, no one like that here in politics, and no Palin here either. She's really quite terrific on nearly every count.
Oddly, or not really, our press report her as "you either get her or not!" as if a successful Conservative woman of substance and achievement is beyond comprehension. Maybe she is for the Left of mind who love a diversity of their opinions.
All the best from the Colonel.
My dear Colonel, Allen West is, as Lucy Montgomery so pithily put it in her "Anne of Green Gables" series, "one of the race of Joseph." May his brand live long and prosper.
I'd like to know -- and still not sure, really -- are you in Britain? If so, Margaret Thatcher comparisons spring to mind, except Gov. Palin is way more ordinary Joe.
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