Voting ends Thursday for the coveted Infidel Blogger Awards!
Though the other candidates are all stalwart warriors against insanity, my vote had to go to Blazing Cat Fur for Category 1, Blogger most likely to face a Section 13(1) complaint. Believe you me, that name is well-deserved :)
For example, here's a link BCF shared on honor killings:
"The most shocking aspect of Aqsa Parvez's murder is not that it was allegedly committed by her closest male relatives in an 'honour killing.' No, the most shocking thing is that women like Farrah Khan -- a member of a group for young Muslim women called Our Collective Dreams -- are in a complete state of denial about what motivates these crimes.
"Instead of showing support for the victims and disgust toward their murderers, Ms. Khan and others end up misdirecting their wrath at those who dare to see the obvious -- the religious and cultural underpinnings of these despicable and dishonourable acts."
(In other words, you're racist and Islamophobic for blaming someone for murder. Okay, guilty as charged.)
There's so much bloggy goodness at BCF (and, in fairness, to the other nominees).
However, Yours Truly is also nominated in Category 4, Favourite Gal Infidel Blogger. (I blush!)
Vote early and vote often!
UPDATE: Ugh, link to Infidel Blogging Awards up before was wrong -- fixed now.
Can I have some peace and quiet?
I am so tired of hearing politics, just let me sit here alone for a
few minutes;
No bashing or criticizing.
Just let me sit here and hear nothing.
6 years ago
Cool, thanks, Ted!
AWESOME comment, USpace :)
Just shows ta go ya, no REAL God would go into such a pointless loop -- and thanks for the links! (Following up as soon as I can!)
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