You haven't been paying attention to history. Remember "Blowin' In The Wind"? Specifically, the line, "When will they ever learn?"
The answer, my friend, newly plucked out of the wind, is "Never."
Col. Robert Neville (who always dresses for dinner) sez:
"It's always twilight of the mind in the dimming intellectual and moral light of the Left Liberal. 'Look out, Barry! The white girl in the Santa suit has a gun!' ...
"Don’t get me wrong. I’ve spent plenty of time making a damn fine mess of things myself. But what amazes me, though, is people who have the time, money, opportunity and the responsibility to know better, but don’t. Not a bit. Boobs so incurious, so untouchable and so unchallenged, that they’re naturally very highly paid and lauded."
(Hahahahaha! Sorry, couldn't help it *grin*)
The Colonel takes us down the rabbit hole with Alice -- in this case, Alice Walker, sycophant-extraordinaire of leftism -- and slices, dices and juliennes her deftly in his own inimitable fashion. Viz:
"Alice has just written a preposterous "Open Letter" to her Lord and Saviour, Barack Hussein Obama. ...
"Alice doesn’t live in reality anymore. Nope. She’s inhabiting that absurd netherworld PC construct where, as Mark Steyn has described, the world is seen as merely a series of grievances that must all be taken equally seriously, unless of course they’re white, Western, Christian, working class and American."
The Colonel's patience is wearing thin. He sez:
"Now, I've Fisked as much as I cold stand. I deserve a fucking medal. Be warned, though. Alice’s sycophantic, uber-butt kissing and absurd and laughable prose is more turgid, unreadable and seemingly stoned, than if a Frat party of Junior Communists wrote Hallmark Cards, after scoring ten kilos of Colombian Gold, and choofing it down faster than Barry Obama the undergrad."
(Brief station break while I recover from appreciative laughter)
So, there you have it, friends. A Trifecta: 1) An absolute laser eye on everything wrong with leftist stupidity; 2) Convincing cultural and historical insight into same; and 3) A thumping good laugh.
Maybe I should charge a fee for this valuable insight. Alas, I've already thrown myself at the Colonel's feet, begging for marriage, to no avail. Ah, well, if at first you don't succeed, and all that :)
Can I have some peace and quiet?
I am so tired of hearing politics, just let me sit here alone for a
few minutes;
No bashing or criticizing.
Just let me sit here and hear nothing.
6 years ago
Dear Miss Wonderful:
Hey, thanks for the fabbo review! You inspired me so much, I went back as per usual, and fixed my El Frantico spelling and grammar mictakes...oops, mistakes.
Yep, I get a kick out of reading them back myself. I ofen think after reviewing a post, "if only I could write like that, then I'd be happy!"
No joke. You're thoughtful praise is VERY much appreciated. If my current Japanese wife is ever eaten by the Bengal Tiger I recently purchased, I'll come straight to America and we'll get married!
I've been too damn distracted for a few days to post. But I will. I'm doing one on the wonderful lucrative directorship'$ of the humble and profound Michelle Fruit Loops Obama.
All the best kid. See if you like the update of MacArthur Park. All that green icing...
Colonel Neville.
Dear Miss Wonderful:
Hey, thanks for the fabbo review! You inspired me so much, I went back as per usual, and fixed my El Frantico spelling and grammar mictakes...oops, mistakes.
Yep, I get a kick out of reading them back myself. I ofen think after reviewing a post, "if only I could write like that, then I'd be happy!"
No joke. You're thoughtful praise is VERY much appreciated. If my current Japanese wife is ever eaten by the Bengal Tiger I recently purchased, I'll come straight to America and we'll get married!
I've been too damn distracted for a few days to post. But I will. I'm doing one on the wonderful lucrative directorship'$ of the humble and profound Michelle Fruit Loops Obama.
All the best kid. See if you like the update of MacArthur Park. All that green icing...
Colonel Neville.
My dear Colonel, I am sure your wife is a gem, and I salute her :)
I shall hasten forthwith to check out more gooey goodness -- or, should I say, "I shall return"? -- from MacArthur's Park :)
Just picking a nit here. "When will they ever learn" is from "Where Have All The Flowers Gone", not "Blowin' in the Wind". In the latter, the sentiment is only implicit.
Excellent catch, anonymous, thanks so much.
Perhaps it's a neuron-expectation thing, but I've always felt that the TRUE name for the song should have been "Blowin' in the Wind" -- but, you're absolutely right, and thanks for the correct.
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