"Gays and lesbians [were] being encouraged to call in 'gay' to work today to support gay rights and spend the day performing community service.
"'Day Without a Gay' aim[ed] to protest last month's passage of constitutional amendments banning same-sex marriages in Arizona, Florida and California. Participants also are encouraged to boycott anti-gay companies, according to the organizers' Web site.
"But the action, which coincides with today's International Human Rights Day, is controversial because participants are urged not to call in sick but to call in gay, which could put their jobs in jeopardy."
Okay. Fisking, here.
"'Day Without a Gay' aim[ed] to protest last month's passage of constitutional amendments banning same-sex marriages in Arizona, Florida and California. Participants also are encouraged to boycott anti-gay companies, according to the organizers' Web site."
Gays, you're still not getting it.
There are REASONS!!!! why constitutional amendments are being passed thusly. Chief of which is people have been raised that it is wrong.
A HUGE percentage of what you deemed to be a "safe" voting bloc -- black Americans -- voted against gay marriage. Guess why? A HUGE percentage of black Americans are deeply religious.
Go ahead and march in the streets, call in "gay," whatever. You are NOT going to change centuries of religious tradition.
"But the action, which coincides with today's International Human Rights Day, is controversial because participants are urged not to call in sick but to call in gay, which could put their jobs in jeopardy."
Gee, ya think?
*shaking head*
Look. I'm on your side, in terms of making spiritual union happen. HOW that is going to happen may take many centuries more. Be prepared for that. But what I'm telling you now is, you're going about it the wrong way. Expecting change of attitude overnight? ANNNK. Confrontational is NOT going to work. In fact, it's going to set you back.
The concept of marriage is deeply enshrined in history. People will be willing to rethink it -- but you can't force it.
Stop making asses of yourselves trying to.
Can I have some peace and quiet?
I am so tired of hearing politics, just let me sit here alone for a
few minutes;
No bashing or criticizing.
Just let me sit here and hear nothing.
6 years ago
My very favourite Eowyn:
Hey thanks for the lovely thumbs up. It made my day...Mmmm. "Butterball waddles while other men walk!" Hee hee.
And dig, you're right about the gay faux marriage thing. I'm hip to the legal rights angle, but the marriage pantomime thang is perverse balls, and sadly sometimes two pairs!
Now you know I live in a very gay inner-city area, and that's one of the reasons I like it. The coffee is great, you can be yourself and the curtains are always fabulous.
But the physics of fact is that gays can NEVER, EVER be "married" per se. Cos as us smugly married people know, marriage is not just between a bickering man and woman, but like lighning, the Tango or automotive power, is a third and weird entity, known as the 'MARRIAGE'.
It's a thing again, a horrible thing, and born of the change and even dissolution of you and your partners as autonomous carefree individuals.
"Tra la la...What happened?"
And 98% of the time via the inevitable involuntary dissembling provided by those carelessly contemptuous of decore and lifestyle freaks known as children.
For gays with children, good luck to them, but they can only be half way there by default.
Nothing can simulate the love, fun, despair and heartache of co-spawned kids.
That's the way it is. Tritely poetic, but try a planet with only a sky or just the ground. Gonna be a drag when kite flying...
All the best kid.
Colonel Neville.
Never having been successfully married, me -- too invested in my own mindset, and not willing to sacrifice/compromise certain things -- I know how fragile marriage can be. But I also know how unreplaceable it is.
Thank God you and Mrs. Col. Neville have cracked the code :)
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